Tuesday, May 26, 2009

VIV - The First.....

The First Brewery in North America was opened in Manhattan in 1612.
The First professional Sports Team in the US was the Maryland Jockey Club, founded in 1743.
The First american to fly in a hot air balloon was Edward Warren.
The First american cookbook was "American Cookery," published by Amelia Simmons in 1796.
The First refrigerator was invented in 1803 by Thomas Moore.
The First flea circus performance took place in New York City in 1835.
The First American novel to sell a million copies was Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe in 1835.
The First drive-in movie theater opened in Camden, New Jersey, in 1933. (The movie shown was "Wives Beware")
The First female celebrity to wear pants in public was Actress Sarah Bernhardt in 1876.
The First blood transfusion was in June 1667, by Jean-Baptiste Denys, a french doctor, to a 15-year-old boy. (He got lambs blood.)
The First electric hand drill was invented by Wilhelm Fein of Norwell, Massachusetts, in 1895
The First army tank built was in 1916. It was nicknamed "Little Willie," it could only go 2 mph and never saw duty in a battle.
The First sip of Kool-Aid was taken by chemist Edwin Perkins of Hastings, Nebraska, in 1927.
The First flight attendant was Ellen Church, hired in 1930. (She wanted to be a pilot.)
The First coast to coast direct dial phone call was made from Englewood, New Jersey to Alameda, California, in 1951

Thursday, July 24, 2008

VIII - What Does It Take?

It takes 1,000 yards of linen to wrap an average mummy.
It takes 50,000 words to use up the lead in one pencil
It takes 600 grapes to make one bottle of wine.
It takes
30 to 40 gallons of tree sap to make one gallon of maple syrup
It takes 24 to 26 hours for a hen to produce an egg.
It takes
72 muscles to speak one word
It takes eight weeks for the average man to grow a one inch-long beard.
It takes one acre of soybeans to produce 82,368 crayons
It takes a bushel of corn to sweeten 400 cans of coke
It takes 25 tomatoes to make one bottle of ketchup
It takes one acre of trees one year to remove 13 tons of dust and noxious gases from the air
It takes seven years for a lobster to grow to one pound
It takes 345 squirts of milk from a cow's udder to make one gallon of milk.
It takes 18 hummingbirds to weigh an ounce
It takes 42,000 tennis balls for a Wimbledon tournament.
It takes one bale of cotton to make 1,217 T-Shirts
It takes about 100 cherries to make a cherry pie.
It takes 2 million visits to 2 million flowers for a honeybee to make one pound of honey
It takes five gallons of milk to make a five-pound wheel of cheese
It takes a mole one day to make a 300 foot long tunnel.
It takes 23 seconds for blood to make a complete circuit of the human body.
It takes a five-mile walk to burn off the calories of one chocolate sundae.

Click here to DIGG This story

VII - Very Ironic.....

William Foster of Tallahassee, Florida, was charged with a hit-and-run in 2004 after striking a pedestrian with his car. Foster says he doesn't remember seeing or hitting the pedestrian, but he does remember where he was going at the time........he was driving to an Eye Doctor appointment.

In 2003 Men's Fitness magazine named Houston "America's Fattest City." In 2005 a local bike club tried to change the city's image by holding a 40-mile bike rally through downtown Houston. To get people to sign up, they offered free beer and tacos at the end of the race.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

VI - You're In Good Company

  • Abraham Lincoln moved his lips when he read.
  • Houseflies hum in the key of F
  • Whats the most common Women's shoe size?...... 7.5
  • The state capitol of Texas has been moved 15 times!
  • Uranus is about nineteen times larger than Earth
  • Oregon's state flag is the only one with a different design on each side.
  • Children touch their mouths with their hands about every three minutes

V - The look of "Unbelievable"

This building in Dubai is going to be over twice the height of The Empire State Building

Julian Beever draws 3D images on the sidewalk with chalk.
more of his work

IV - The sweet smell of success

  • The smell of peppermint improves the concentration of office workers.
  • The Sun converts over 4,000,000 tons of matter into energy every second.
  • A Water droplet contains 100 quintillion molecules of water.
  • 18th century English sailors wore skirts.
  • The @ symbol is over 500 years old.
  • Carnivores dream more than herbivores.
  • Plymouth Rock weighs about 4 tons.
  • Porsche owners are more likely to cheat on their partners than any other car owner.
  • The flashing light on the Capitol Records Tower spells out HOLLYWOOD in Morse code.

III - 6 Bald Musicians

  1. Michael Stripe - R.E.M.
  2. Moby
  3. Billy Corgan - Smashing Pumpkins
  4. Rob Halford - Judas Priest
  5. Fred Durst - Limp Bizkit
  6. Sinead O'Connor

II - Wasted Time

  • American spend over 2 billion hours a year mowing their lawns.
  • If you were afraid of vegetables as a kid you had Lachanophobia
  • Melbourne, Australia, has an 8 pm cerfew.......for cats
  • You use 21 different muscles when you kiss
  • Hitlers Jawbone is kept in the Russian Federation Archives.

I - The First Post!

  • Alfred Hitchcock had a fear of eggs.
  • The degrees symbol (°) is an ancient sign representing the sun.
  • Barn owls snore
  • You have a better chance to find gold than win the Lottery
  • Coffee is technically a fruit juice
  • Bill Clinton traveled more than any other President in U.S.A. History.
  • If you are chicken of chickens you have alektorophobia.
  • Charles Dickens's character "Tiny Tim" was originally called Small Sam